It's not fun to build roofs especially when the rain shows up. But we got the job done! Exhausted and hungry and awaiting the dinner. I forgot to take a picture on it to the blog.
I also after my rolling session last night to put my piercing back in so the hole has healed and I can't be arsed to redo it so I'll leave it. Just curious of my readers, anyone playing Heroes of Newerth, if so whats your favourite hero and on what PSR level you at?
cool blog
SvaraRaderai love HoN, i don't play much, but it's nice to relax to every once in a while
SvaraRaderathat's not my type of game but maybe i just suck at dota )))
SvaraRaderaI play HoN. I only play with my friends though. My favorite hero is probably the new hero Flint Beastwood ^_^
SvaraRaderaBOOM, Support package everywhere
SvaraRaderaBOOM ! Support everywhere !
BOOM, Support everywhere !
SvaraRaderashowing my support, follow me back
supporting man
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